德国PMK 1000:1 高压400MHZ可调节探头 PHV-1000-RO 产品简介:1000:1 高压400MHZ探头 产品特点及详细参数: The PHVS1000 is rated for 1000V AC rms or DC CAT II. The PHVS1000A is the PMK general purpose high voltage probe with a 1000:1 attenuation. Its fast rise time and accurate frequency response make it suitable for a variety of measurement applications. The very sharp probe tip is spring loaded and minimizes the pressure to the dut (device under test). It also prevents the probe from slipping on the board surface. Especially when probing at an angle. The probe tips are changeable. Replacement tips are provided within the accessory pack. Refer to the maintenance section to learn how to change the probe tip.